Canine Knocks Over & Drags Dog Walker: Dog Owner Liable PA?

Dog Owner Liable:  Canine Knocks Over and Drags Dog Walker As you might expect, in Pennsylvania, the negligent owner of a dangerous dog can be liable for failing to control the animal or warn others of its dangerous propensities.  You’re thinking – dog bite, right?  Nope. Liability can exist absent…

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Dog Bite Cases – Joint and Several Liability in PA?

The Fair Share Act in PA – Dog Bites Advocates for victimes of injury adored something called “joint and several liability.”  That was where each Defendant could be liable for the whole verdict, even if 1% at fault!  So let’s say a landlord knowingly allowed his dead beat tenant to…

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Dog Bite Verdict Exceeds Liability Insurance – “Bad Faith”?

Insurance Liability Issues Each Pittsburgh attorney at our firm recommends that every dog owner carry liability insurance to protect against a claim for damages from a dog bite.  But what happens when the dog bite claim exceeds the available canine owner’s liability insurance coverage? This question creates enormous headaches for…

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