Canine Knocks Over & Drags Dog Walker: Dog Owner Liable PA?

Dog Owner Liable:  Canine Knocks Over and Drags Dog Walker As you might expect, in Pennsylvania, the negligent owner of a dangerous dog can be liable for failing to control the animal or warn others of its dangerous propensities.  You’re thinking – dog bite, right?  Nope. Liability can exist absent…

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Dog Bite Cases – Joint and Several Liability in PA?

The Fair Share Act in PA – Dog Bites Advocates for victimes of injury adored something called “joint and several liability.”  That was where each Defendant could be liable for the whole verdict, even if 1% at fault!  So let’s say a landlord knowingly allowed his dead beat tenant to…

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PA Dog Bite Law: Comparative Negligence of the Plaintiff

What if You, the Person Bitten by a Dog, Were Partially At Fault?  We often gets asked this question: what if you’re bitten by a dog but you were partially negligent for causing the attack?  Can you still recover money from another party for your injuries, when comparatively negligent in…

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Dog Bite Claim: What’s The Statute of Limitations in PA?

Statute of Limitations For Dog Bite Claims in Pennsylvania Victims of a dog bite often ask our Pittsburgh attorneys: “How long do I have to sue for a dog bite in Pennsylvania?” In other words, how long is the statute of limitations? This is an important question, because your lawyer…

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Provocation: A Good Defense to a Dog Bite Claim?

The defense of “provocation” can amount to an excellent defense to a dog bite claim in Western PA and in most states. In fact, even some states applying a “strict liability” standard for a canine attack (such as Michigan and Montana) allow the defense of “provocation.” Pennsylvania does not have…

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Dog Sitter or Walker (Non-owners) | Liability in PA

Dog Sitter & Dog Walker Liability for a Dog Bite in PA When a canine attacks and causes injuries, the dog sitter (watching the dog) or dog walker (walking it) can be liable as the dog’s “keeper,” as discussed below.  Canine Sitter & Dog Walker Liability  Pennsylvania Dog Law draws…

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Dog Bite Liability Insurance – UPDATE

Liability Insurance For a Injury From an Attack by Dog As of 2023, five states preclude insurers from denying you coverage based on your dog’s breed: Illinois, Michigan,  Nevada,  New York, and  Pennsylvania Dog bites and animal attacks are expensive; thus, liability insurance is key.  It helps a dog bite…

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The Right (and Wrong) Fence to Contain a Canine

Failure to Contain a Dog – Inadequate Fence  With springtime coming and home improvement projects in planning, many dog owners are shopping for a new fence. Ideally, they want a physical barrier that will contain their dog so it can run freely in the yard.     Just as dogs vary…

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